Adv Concepts

Warning.... may contain generalisations

Mandates, Abbreviates and Competitives.


Each Position in Community Space (eg "Social in the Community") is accompanied by a range of 3 Outdoor positions.  The first of these are called "Mandates", the middle "Abbreviates" and the last, "Competitive".

For example, With "Proper in the Community", there is:

Proper in the Community...
1. .... Intimate in the Outdoors - Mandate
    (bordering "Straightforward in the Community")

2. ....Straightforward in the Outdoors  -   Abbreviated

3 ....Social in the Community - Competitive

Mandates tend to exhaust all issues related to their topic, and provide an underpinning for the entire Energy in Space.  They work well together.  They can sit down and tell a long story about their position (think Morgan Freeman in "The Shawshank Redemption").

Abbreviates cut to the chase and abbreviate their position to where it can be acted upon (think Dirty Harry).

Competitives are pre-emptively competitive, niceties are dismissed, if you're not aware of their position in their first sentence, you need only present an opposing view and watch what happens.

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